To retrieve and build WNLIB, follow these instructions:
$ cd < directory where wnlib is to reside > $ mkdir wnlib $ cd wnlib
$ gunzip wnlib.tar.gzyou probably have 'gunzip', if you don't, it can be obtained from or
$ tar xvf wnlib.tar
$ make all
$ make selftestto run the self-testing diagnostics. If selftest runs successfully to completion with no error messages, you have successfully installed WNLIB.
ARCHIVE is in: wnlib/acc/text.a H FILES are in: wnlib/acc/h/*.h MAN PAGES are in: wnlib/doc/man/*.man
man pages are to be found in doc/man. The script "wnman" in the
directory "command" is a convenient way to view these man pages.
Type "wnman
The variable "wnlib" must point to your wnlib directory for wnman to work. A csh command of the form
$ set wnlib = xxx/yyy/wnlibsets this up. Include such a command in your .cshrc.
The source code in this directory and all its subdirectories is provided free of charge to anyone who wants it. It is in the public domain and therefore may be used by anybody for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind whatsoever.
This copyright notice and the above legal notice may not be removed.
Will Naylor email: click here to view web:
Bill Chapman email: WNLIB@CCJJ.INFO