This file describes how
to build and use wnlib on Windows.
(There are two versions of this file, README.html and README.txt.
README.html is the master copy, README.txt is autogenerated from it).
This readme file is in the directory wnlib\windows. If you've
just unzipped this
package, you will find the h, src, and examples subdirectories of this
directory empty. The selftest directory will contain a bunch of C
files (they will look ugly in notepad at this point because they
haven't been translated to DOS form yet).
The source for wnlib is in the directory ..\acc\*. Keep out of
there. That area is
for unix builds, we build in
this separate area for windows. The first thing you will have to
do is copy the source from the windows to the windows area according to
the following instructions. (We
didn't want to
duplicate it in the zip file).
the source from the unix area to the windows area
Go to the wnlib\windows directory and run copysrc.bat, just click on it
in windows explorer.
- h directory should now contain about 80 wn*.h files
- src directory should now contain about 171
wn*.c files
- examples directory should now contain about 24
wnex_*.c files
- selftest directory should now contain about 24 *.c files which were
already there before copysrc.bat ran
- ..\doc\mantext directory should now contain about 85 *.txt files, and
your Application with wnlib
The following directions are for building with Microsoft Visual
C++ 4.0. It is assumed they will apply reasonably well to other
environments. We are interested in hearing about your
successes/failures with other environments (see contact intormation
below and in the wnlib\README file).
Build wnlib.lib
All the c files that are to be
compiled into wnlib.lib are in the src directory.
- Start your workspace with
"File" -> "New" -> "Project Workspace" -> "Static Library".
- Specify "wnlib" as the project
name, and specify "location" as wnlib\windows\src. (note you have
to check on the location field, select it and right arrow to the end of
the field, and backspace away any extra you don't want there).
- Then "Insert" -> "Files
into Project", select all of the C files and click "add".
- Set your settings with "Build"
-> "Settings".
- Go to the C/C++ tab, and
select the category "preprocessor".
- Add "..\h" to the directories
to be searched for include files.
- Go to the Library tab, and set
the output file as "..\wnlib.lib"
- Build.
All the C files to test
wnlib.lib are in the selftest directory.
- Start your workspace with
"File" -> "New" -> "Project Workspace" -> "Console Application". Name it "selftest" in
- Then "Insert" -> "Files
into Project", select all of the C files and click "add".
- Set up the "Build" ->
"Settings" like before, only specify that the program
.\selftest_main.exe is to be built, and include "..\wnlib.lib" at the
beginning of the objects/libs to be linked in.
- Build
- You can then execute the exectuable from the "Build" menu, or from
the "Start" -> "Run" command. If it finishes without crashing,
your wnlib is in good health. The philosophy of the selftest code
is to run fairly silently as long as everything is OK, and crash if
anything goes wrong.
your application with wnlib
Building your application is done basically the same way as building
the selftest, making sure you set up "wnlib\windows\wnlib\h" in your
C/C++ preprocessor include path and "wnlib\windows\wnlib.lib"
in your Link objects/libraries field.
Summary of
The library is wnlib\windows\wnlib.lib
h files are in wnlib\windows\h
Documentation is in wnlib\doc\mantext
After you have run copysrc.bat, and only after that, you can look at
the documentation in the ..\doc\mantext\main_man.html
file with Internet Explorer or your favorite web browser. Note
that main_man.html is just a master documentation file, with links to
the smaller text files (also viewable in your browser) in the same
Using the
There is also the
wnlib\windows\examples directory. It is full of wnex_*.c
files. It is a supplement to the main_man.html documentation,
providing examples of use of the wnlib code.
The wnex_*.c files are
all independent of each other, separate programs
each containing a main(), that must be linked with wnlib.lib.
This means that if you want to run them on windows, you must use the
gui of your C building environment to manually create a separate
project/makefile for each one, and build them separately. Also,
unlike the selftest files, they produce a lot of output to stdout that
must be manually read to see if they are executing correctly. For
these reasons, we have not only compiled but not linked them on
Windows, and you
may encounter a link error here and there.
You can find which
example programs call the function you want to use
by searching them with the search facility in Windows Explorer, or grep
if you have one.
not supported on Windows
The true random numbers (wnrndt.h, wnrndt.c) are just too unix
dependent and thus are not ported to Windows. The wn_popen() and
wn_pclose() functions were just leading to an unrecoverable Blue Screen
of Death (requiring a reboot) whenever I tried to use them, so they are
not available on Windows. This problem may have been limited to
the Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 on ME we ported to, if anyone can get them
to work on some other Windows compiler / platform combination, please
let us know. The code is in src\wnio.c, conditionally compiled
At this point, we have ported wnlib to Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.0
on Windows ME. We figure this means it should port to MSVC++ 6.0
on XP trivially. Very little of the code involves operating
systems calls, so a port to a new platform is generally pretty
Furthermore, we have restricted ourselves to using only using C as of
the ANSI/ISO 9899-1990 standard, so you'll have to dig up some really
ancient or isoteric C compilers to find one that can't handle
this code. wnlib has previously been ported to the VMS, Sun
Solaris, Red Hat & SuSE Linux, hpux, and cygwin operating systems
using the cc,
acc, CC, gcc, & g++ compilers.
One free alternative to windows development is cygwin. Look it up
on the web at
. It is a free unix shell that runs under windows, that is you
can have one or more cygwin windows running unix commands on your
windows desktop while everything else remains running windows.
There is no support for it, that is, there is support, but it costs
$10,000 for lifetime support, and $10,000 on a per-incident
basis. It has an X windows setup, but I recommend against using
it - it worked for me for a few weeks, then quit working. I
re-downloaded cygwin, but it kept not working and I gave up and went
back to using linux for graphics.
But even without the X windows, it can be quite useful. You can
use the unix compilers gcc and g++ on it to build wnlib and your
programs, and create .exe files that can be run on Windows. wnlib
fully supports cygwin as a unix platform. You can run emacs under
cygwin, or just use your favorite windows editor to edit cygwin
files. This means you can do non-graphical C program development
on Windows without having to buy a C development enviroment.
You have a choice of how much to download when you get Cygwin, and you
get a pretty bare bones setup if you default everything. One nice
thing is it's easy to go back and ask for more incrementally if you
need it. It usually gives you the option of downloading source
for what you get, say "no" if you want to save space. I
downloaded a ton of stuff, with source, and it all adds up to about 1
Gbyte, but you should be able to download a much smaller subset than
Author: Bill Chapman