NAME wnchtb -- generic closed hash table package SYNOPSIS #include "wnchtb.h" wn_mkchtab(&table,phash_func,pkeys_eq_func,palloc_copy_func,pfree_func, /**/ start_table_length, fraction_full_before_grow) wn_chtab table; int (*phash_func)(/*key*/); /* ptr key; */ bool (*pkeys_eq_func)(/*key1,key2*/); /* ptr key1,key2; */ void (*palloc_copy_func)(/*pkey,key*/); /* ptr *pkey,key */ void (*pfree_func)(/*key*/); /* ptr key; */ int start_table_length, /* how long should the table start as? ** ** Rounded up to 2^1. */ float fraction_full_before_grow /* how full should the table get before ** ** we grow it? 0 < x < 1 */ wn_freechtab(table) wn_chtab table; bool wn_chget(&data,table,key) ptr data; wn_chtab table; ptr key; bool wn_chins(data,table,key) ptr data; wn_chtab table; ptr key; bool wn_chfins(data,table,key) ptr data; wn_chtab table; ptr key; bool wn_chdel(table,key) wn_chtab table; ptr key; int wn_chcount(table) wn_chtab table; wn_purge_and_resize_table(table, new_length); wn_chtab table; int new_length; DESCRIPTION The interface for this package is modelled with few changes on the generic hash table package described in "". See that man page before consulting this one, which describes only the differences. Although it supports mostly the same interface, this package uses a different algorithm which takes more memory and runs a bit faster on large problems. The algorithm in this case hashes entries into an array, where wnhtab hashes them into a tree. In general, the names of corresponding routines in have been copied to names in this package with a "c" (for closed) added before the "h" (for hash). 2 new arguments have been introduced in wn_mkchtab. start_table_length is the desired initial length of the array. It is advisory only, wn_mkchtab may decide upon some other length for the array. fraction_full_before_grow is a float between 0 and 1 what fraction of the table can be occuppied before an additional insert will grow the table, recommended value is 0.5. wn_purge_and_resize_table() is new and had no counterpart in the wnhtab package. It purges deleted items from the table, and grows the table to the desired size. Note that new_length is advisory, the routine will make its own decision about the length of the table taking new_length into account. Note the table will automatically grow to accommodate new members as the table fills, but it will not automatically shrink as members are deleted. If you are doing lots of deletions and want the table to maintain a steady size, it is recommended you call this routine periodically. The other routines have arg lists exactly corresponding to those in their wnhtab counterparts, except they take a wn_chtab arg instead of wn_htab. RESOURCES Provided the table is sparsely populated, insert, get, and delete operations run with WORST and AVERAGE CASE: time =