NAME wnddtl -- create dd tree for common kinds of keys SYNOPSIS #include "wnddtl.h" wn_mkintddtree(&tree,num_dimensions) wn_ddtree tree; int num_dimensions; wn_mkdoubleddtree(&tree,num_dimensions) wn_btree tree; int num_dimensions; DESCRIPTION "wn_mkdoublebtree" allocates a dd tree indexed by double keys. A "double" is a long floating-point number. It should be noted that when working with this package in the integer case, "key" is a pointer to a vector of ints. With doubles, "key" is a pointer to a vector of POINTERS TO doubles. DIAGNOSTICS BUGS There was a "wn_mkintddtree", but it doesn't work on 64 bit platforms, it is deprecated and may be discontinued and we advise against your using it. SEE ALSO wnddtr AUTHOR Will Naylor