NAME wnhtbl -- make hash tables for common kinds of keys SYNOPSIS #include "wnhtbl.h" wn_mkhashhtab(&table) wn_htab table; wn_mkstrhtab(&table) wn_htab table; wn_mkptrhtab(&table) wn_htab table; wn_mklonghtab(&table) wn_htab table; DESCRIPTION Note that although these tables use different types of keys, they all use the same type of data -- wn_hget() always returns a ptr through the first argument. It is very important that you not pass "&i" where i is an int to the first arg of wn_hget(), because on some architectures the object returned, a ptr, will be bigger than i and will overwrite memory after i. "wn_mkhashhtab" allocates a hash table that assumes the key is already hashed (from the current memory group). "wn_mkstrhtab" allocates a hash table indexed by null-terminated char strings (from the current memory group). "wn_mkptrhtab" allocates a hash table indexed by pointer keys, that is, by the value of the pointer itself (as opposed to what the pointer points to). EXAMPLES DIAGNOSTICS BUGS SEE ALSO wnhtab, wnhash, wncpy AUTHOR Will Naylor