NAME wnminv -- matrix inversion SYNOPSIS #include "wnmat.h" wn_invert_mat(int &code,double **mat,int len_i) wn_polish_inverse_mat(int &code,double **mat_inverse, double *mat,int len_i,int iterations) wn_solve_system(int &code,double *solution, double *rhs,double **mat_inverse,double **mat, int len,int iterations) DESCRIPTION "wn_invert_mat" performs an in-place invert of "mat". "wn_polish_inverse_mat" polishes the given invert of "mat" to reduce rounding errors and give a more accurate result. RESOURCES Inverting a matrix requires WORST and AVERAGE CASE: time = len_i^3 stack memory = 1 dynamic memory = len_i where the matrix to be inverted is a len_i*len_i matrix. DIAGNOSTICS code == WN_SUCCESS for successful inversion. code == WN_SINGULAR for singular matrix. BUGS Cannot handle complex numbers, making these useless for many engineering applications. SEE ALSO wnmmlt AUTHOR Will Naylor