wnmem -- group (or pool) oriented memory allocationData Structures (also called 'containers')
wnsll -- linked list packageRandom Numbers
wnbtr -- height-balanced binary tree package
wnbtrl -- declare btrees if type str, int, and double
wnskl -- skip list (sort of halfway between a linked list and a binary tree)
wnpq -- priority queue with type "double" keys
wnbvec -- bit vector, packed array of bits with boolean operations
wnchtb -- hash table (closed, array based)
wnchtl -- make closed hash tables of types generic, str, ptr, and int
wnhash -- hash functions for common keys for wnchtb and wnhtabwnhtab -- hash table (incremental, binary tree based)
wnhtbl -- make incremental hash tables of types generic, str, ptr, and int
wnddtr -- binary tree over an n-dimensional coordinate space, determines proximity of objects
wnddtl -- make ddtr's of type int and double
wnrnd -- random numbers, much higher quality than rand()Sorting
wnrndd -- more random numbers, including various floating distributions
wnrndt -- 'true' random numbers (not available on Windows)
wnsort -- merge sort and quick sort, quick sort higher quality than unix qsortCommand Line Argument Parser
wnrsrt -- radix sort (faster on large problems)
wnrsrl -- utlilities needed for radix sortwnmed -- find median or any percentile of list
wnargp -- command line argument parserMatrices
wnargv -- parse command line from string
wnmmk -- make & free matricesVectors
wnmcpy -- matrix copy
wnmgen -- generate matrices with special values
wnminv -- matrix inversion
wnmio -- matrix input and output
wnmrnd -- random matrix generator
wnmtrn -- transpose matrix
wnsplx -- simplex method
wngs -- Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization of a matrix
wnmmlt -- matrix / vector multiplication
wnvmk -- vector make and freeSparse Matrices
wndot -- vector dot product
wnvadd -- vector addition
wnvcpy -- vector copy
wnvgen -- zero out vector
wnvio -- vector i/o
wnvmlt -- vector multiply
wnvnrm -- vector norm
wnvrnd -- random vector generator
wnspmk -- make, initialize & free sparse matricesParsing Utilities
wnspio -- print sparse matrix
wnspmat -- sparse matrix datastructures and operations
wncp -- solve for critical path in sparse matrix
wnflow -- min-cost max-flow problem solution
wntrn -- transportation problem
wnlp -- longest path solution on a sparse matrix
wnsp -- shortest path solution on a sparse matrix
wnmst -- minimum spanning tree on a matrix
wncstr -- cstream overviewSmall Utilities
wncstl -- cstream: parsing utilities
wnwtok -- write stuff
wnwtokp -- write stuff pretty
wnabs -- abs, min, max, sign, and nop macros and functionsOther
wnsqr -- find square & cube
wnswap -- swap 2 variables
wncase -- upper / lower case utilities
wncmp -- small comparison and copy utilities
wnstr -- string operations
wnasrt -- assertions package
wncplx -- complex numbers
wnmemb -- byte by byte operations on blocks of memory
wnprm -- permutation packagePrograms & Scripts
wnanl -- general simulated annealing package
wnconj -- conjugate direction method
wnnlp -- constrained non-linear optimization package
wnfft -- discrete fourier transform
wnio -- layer on top of system calls, also calls that mimic popular unix commands
unx2doss -- converts unix-style text files to dos-style
excl.pl -- exclude file names from a list on command line
mean -- give statistics (mean, stddev, etc) on a set of real numbers
wnmake1 -- quickly make small programs using wnlib without having to build a makefile (unix only)
html2text.bash -- convert a .html file on the command line to an equivalent .txt file. Gracefully handle case where Linux html2text is not implemented. (unix only, no doc page).